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space book



Notion on Limitation, Stichting Centrum Den Haag, 2010

Open Dag, Spanjaardshof, Den Haag, 2010

NEFORMAT, Gallery Na Vspolnom, Moscow, 2011

Blik Opener Festival, Delft, 2012

Redear Festival, Rotterdam, 2013

Codarts Open Daag, Rotterdam, 2013

Pulchri, Den Haag, 2013

Pulsar Project Exhibition, De KetelFactory, Schiedam, 2013

Pulsar Project, Stroom, Den Haag, 2014

Open Dag, Spanjaardshof, Den Haag, 2015

Galerie Sophie, Den Haag, 2015

Artist-in-Residence, Moha, Austin, 2015

Delft in-Ovatie Festival, Delft, 2015

From the intangible to the tangible, Wachelturm, Zurich

Sophie Gallery, Den Haag, February 2016

Delft, Kadmium, July 2016 HKK, Den Haag, July 2016


Flute. Music Inside (tape) (2009) audio installation

PULSAR for electronics, animated phenakistoscope and picture (collaboration with painter Pim Piet ) (2011)

BODY PARTS SCAN video- audio installation (2011), director, idea, music Anna Mikhailova, video editing Xeniya/ Xu Pankratova, camera Vika Ushkanova, model Egr Nagaen

Games of New Babylon #1, kinetic audio sculpture/installation (2012)

Sound and Silence I, sound object (design and sound. Co-work with painter Pim Piet, Den Haag 2012)

Pulsar Project interactive music score (2013)

Pulsar Project (installation, graphic scores, video for exhibition with painter Pim Piet, Schiedam 2013)

Games of New Babylon #2 (2013), kinetic interactive sound installation/map programming surgery by Jonas Gruska

String Theory for Koto and Electronics, graphic score I (2013)

Silence and Sound II. Hommage to John Cage, object, co-project with painter Pim Piet (2013) (exhibited at Pulchri, Den haag, September, 2013)

String Theory II for Koto and Electronics, graphic score II (2013)

Pulsar Project Interactive Score (2014) for co-exhibition with painter Pim Piet at Stroom, Den Haag, programming surgery by Rob Bothof.

Noise and Sound. Hommage to Edgard Varese (2015) object, co-project with painter Pim Piet

NOISESOUND book-object  (2015)

Five letter soundnoise words to EDGAR, essay in the shape of the performance (2015)

3 Loudscapes,  photo paper, chemicals (2015)

TONE YOUR VOICE sound installation in collaboration with Pim Piet(2016)

CITY KOTO OBJECT in collaboration with Pim Piet (2016)



Flute. Music Inside (tape) (2009) audio installation

PULSAR for electronics, animated phenakistoscope and picture (collaboration with painter Pim Piet ) (2011)

BODY PARTS SCAN video- audio installation (2011), director, idea, music Anna Mikhailova, 

video editing Xeniya/ Xu Pankratova, camera Vika Ushkanova, model Egr Nagaen

Games of New Babylon #1, kinetic audio sculpture/installation (2012)

Sound and Silence I, sound object (design and sound. Co-work with painter Pim Piet, Den Haag 2012) 

Pulsar Project interactive music score (2013)

Pulsar Project (sound for installation, for exhibition with painter Pim Piet, Schiedam 2013) 

Games of New Babylon #2 (2013), kinetic interactive sound installation/map programming surgery by Jonas Gruska 

Silence and Sound II. Hommage to John Cage, object, co-project with painter Pim Piet (2013) (exhibited at Pulchri, Den haag, September, 2013)

Noise and Sound. Hommage to Edgard Varese (2015) object, co-project with painter Pim Piet

TONE YOUR VOICE sound installation in collaboration with Pim Piet(2016)

Piet Boogie Fever for tone painting exhibition by Pim Piet (2017)

In the distance go on forever


Games of New Babylon #1, kinetic audio sculpture/installation (2012)


Pulsar Project (installation, graphic scores, for exhibition with painter Pim Piet, Schiedam 2013)


Games of New Babylon #2 (2013), kinetic interactive sound installation/map programming surgery by Jonas Gruska 


Noise and Sound. Hommage to Edgard Varese NOISESOUND book-object  (2015) object, co-project with painter Pim Piet


Pulsar Project interactive music score (2013)


In the distance go on forever[room 1, 2, 3, 4,5](2016)


Trinity/M-Aria, MJ & Pieta


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