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transcriptions/ arrangements

“Aramse” piece for marimba and two chine’s tom-toms (2004) [duration 5’]

TRans version of the DIES IRAE song

“Extract Haydn | Haydn Passion” for Flute, Trumpet, Cello, Piano, Harpsichord and Percussion (2009) [duration 6’35’’]

diffused version of Haydn String Quartet

“Autonomy Leads Low of Mind Experience”

(Deconstruction version of “All of me” by Louis Armstrong for jazz trio - Piano, Double Bass, Drums) (2012) [duration 5’]

“ALL of ME” version for cello and piano (2015) [duration 4’30”]

“Time Traveller’s Lullaby” for Baroque Voice, Cello/Viola da Gamba and Square Piano/ Pianoforte (2012) [duration 9’]

Including research on dutch children folk songs

“Cherubimic hymn” ( part of liturgy) for a mixed choir a cappella (2009)

[duration 7’] 

“1 square meter meets 9 progressions” for Double Bass (2010)

[duration 10’] 

space version of Charles Mingus The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

“L’Hommage de Gesualdo da Venosa” for Oboe and Voice for single player (2012)[duration 6’]

"Rokudan”, (52 + 7 beat) Kumiuta, L’Hommague to Yatsuhashi Kengyo, perception version of “Rokudan no shirabe” for voice and koto for single player (2014)[duration 8’]

M-ARIA for 3 voices [intro for the trinity opera] 2016

transcription of  gretchen am spinnrade by schubert


Noise and Sound. Hommage to Edgard Varese (2015) object, co-project with painter Pim Piet

Deconstruction version of Poème électronique. by Edgar Varèse

Silence and Sound II. Hommage to John Cage, object, co-project with painter Pim Piet (2013) (exhibited at Pulchri, Den haag, September, 2013)

Alternative version for 4 voices of Lectures on Silence by John CAGE

Music for theater play “SHEBEATS” based on beatnik generation art (2012)

deconstruction versions of 3 tunes by thelonious monk 

Grace, by Jeff Bukley  meets Lacrimosa by mozart

deconstruction version for a voice, DB, Pno, Gtr, & drums


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